
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Gynaecologist

  The gentleman landed his newly purchased luxury car at the parking lot of the exquisitely built clinic located at the Southern corner of the city. Now he landed with his expectant wife and headed towards the reception, just a few steps away, where he was told to wait while her wife was led to the doctor's room. The doctor, Lenin Mohapatra, after having the necessary checking inside the closed door, sent the mother to the operation theatre where he was to join presently with his assistants. The gentleman and his wife were already informed of the Caesarian section the latter had to undergo, and accordingly they had come prepared. The Caesarian method was successfully completed after an hour, at 1 pm, and a girl child with sound health was born, or rather made to born causing cheer to the man, more so because the condition of the mother was also good. The case was, nevertheless, a matter of little difficulty for Dr Mohapatra, one of the reputed doctor gynaecologist s of the ci